Relationship Tips: Every relationship rests on trust. The time it takes to build a relationship, it only takes a second to break it. Whatever the relationship, it is very important to have trust in it. After being cheated on by a partner, friend, or family member, it becomes very difficult to trust them. But is it possible to win back trust once it's been betrayed?

A sincere effort, deep love, and desire to save the relationship can go a long way in helping a relationship heal. If you too are trying to rebuild trust in a relationship, here are 6 ways a person can rebuild trust after being cheated on.

Admit the Betrayal and Take Responsibility
If you have betrayed someone in a relationship, first of all, accept your mistake to rebuild trust. Don't make excuses for it and accept the betrayal without blaming the other person. Taking responsibility for your actions is the foundation for rebuilding trust in any relationship, be it romantic, friendship, business, or family.

Repent and show sympathy
If you have broken the trust of the other person in a relationship, then apologize sincerely for it. Doing so can help heal the hurt caused by the betrayal. Also keep in mind that while apologizing, the person in front should feel your remorse. Showing your true feelings assures the other party that you will not cheat them again.

Make up for the loss
If you have betrayed a relationship, then you will also have to make up for the loss caused by it. Take whatever steps are necessary for this. If it's a romantic relationship, remove the third person from your midst. On the other hand, if cheating is found in a business relationship, then it is very important to compensate for the loss. Efforts made to repair the damage caused by the betrayal help restore trust in the relationship.

Be transparent and open
To rebuild trust in a relationship, it is extremely important to be transparent about your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Simply put, if you want to reassure your partner, then share all the information related to yourself with him and be honest with him. Your doing so will foster open communication and reassure the other person that they can trust your words and actions to move forward.

Be patient and give time
Regaining broken trust is not a one-day job. This may take a long time. In such a situation, try to give full time to the person in front of you to emerge from it and during this whole time, you should be patient.
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