To keep the body healthy, it is considered very important to consume nutritious food. Health experts say that when it comes to the nutritional value of a diet, healthy edible oils should also be included in it. The type of oil we consume has a direct impact on our health. While studies have found olive oil to reduce the risk of many diseases, health experts say that refined oil can be just as bad for us.

Refined oil is the processed form of natural oils obtained by filtering the oils with various chemicals and odors. Such oils can be harmful to our health. Let us know how refined oil can have serious side effects on our health.

Risk of many diseases from refined oil
Many things came to the fore in the studies done to understand how refined oil can have side effects on our health. Researchers found that if you consume refined oil daily, it can increase many chronic diseases such as diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity, reproductive problems, and immune problems. Given such risks, health experts advise all people to reduce or avoid the consumption of such oils.

Refined oil increases inflammation
Refined oils have been found to increase inflammatory problems in the body and a state of inflammation is known to increase the risk of many chronic diseases. Researchers said that the amount of trans fat in refined oil is high. These types of fats have been found to promote heart disease and cancer.

Health experts say that trans fat can increase inflammation and weight in women, due to which there is a risk of increasing diabetes and heart diseases.

Can have carcinogenic side effects
Nickel is released during the process of processing natural oils, and trace amounts of this chemical can have harmful effects on the body. This metal can be harmful to health in many ways, its presence in food can cause carcinogenic effects. It can also have adverse effects on the liver, skin, and respiratory system.

Several studies have linked the consumption of refined oils to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Use only healthy oils
Health experts say, healthy and nutritious oils should be consumed in food to reduce the risk of diseases. Researchers found that olive oil and mustard oil can be beneficial for our health, the same oil should always be included in the food which is cholesterol and harmful fat-free. Sunflower oil has also been found to be harmful to health in some studies.
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