These days a lot of rigging is going on in buying and selling property. Over the years, many such cases have come to the fore from time to time, in which people have been cheated in the name of selling property. If you are also planning to buy a house or land for your living. In such a situation, this news is especially for you. Often, due to a lack of information, people show the front paper while buying a property. They believe in him. During this time people do not even check the papers of those properties or say registry properly. Due to this, the possibility of them being cheated increases significantly. In this connection, today through this news we are going to talk about the process, with the help of which you can find out about the real and fake registry of the property. Let us know -

Often people look at Khatauni or registry documents only while making a land deal. From these documents, you can find out who has the ownership rights on the land.

If you want to avoid fraud. In this case, you should also see the old registry along with the registry. Apart from this, find out about the person from whom you are buying the land. From whom has he bought that land? How did he come to own the land?

The most important thing is the land you are buying. Before buying it, check whether there is any dispute going on about it. You should not make the mistake of buying a disputed property at all.

Apart from this, the land you are going to buy. Go there and find out whether it is government land or not. You can find out about the reality of the land through Consolidation Records 41 and 45.

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