Hand And Feet Itching In Pregnancy: Pregnancy is a delicate time. During this time the mother has to go through many types of mental and physical problems. One such problem is itching in the hands and feet during pregnancy. Hormonal changes happen rapidly during pregnancy. There is also a change in blood circulation. For this reason, mild itching is considered a normal symptom. As the time of delivery approaches, itching may increase in the hands-feet, waist, and abdominal area. Sometimes itching can also occur during pregnancy due to changes in weather or fungal infection. To remove the itching caused by the infection, you can take help medicines. Apart from this, some easy home remedies can be used for mild itching. Will learn about these measures further.

Itching in pregnancy
1. Use of neem, basil, and lemon

Grind neem and basil leaves and add lemon juice to them. After applying this mixture to the itchy area, wash it with lukewarm water. If you are allergic to lemon, you can use sandalwood. Neem and Tulsi have antibacterial properties. This mixture can work to relieve itching caused by an infection in pregnancy.

2. What to eat in case of itching?
If itching of hands and feet is not going away easily during pregnancy, then consider diet. Avoid consuming junk food or stale food during this time. This can disturb the balance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Pumpkin, sunflower, and linseed seeds can be consumed to reduce itching of the skin. A fatty acid is present in these. Apart from this, eat fiber-rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetable salads. Consumption of milk and banana is also beneficial in itching.

3. Remove itching with aloe vera gel
aloe vera gel benefits

Use aloe vera gel to get rid of itching in the hands and feet during pregnancy. Take out fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on the part of the hands and feet where there is itching. Wash the skin with water after about 30 minutes. Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times a day. Aloe vera gel is known to be beneficial for reducing redness and swelling due to itching. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are considered effective in relieving itching, burning, swelling, and pain.

4. Gram flour, turmeric, and curd
Gram flour, turmeric, and curd can be used to remove itching of hands and feet during pregnancy. Gram flour has antimicrobial properties. A mixture of gram flour is beneficial for removing dead skin cells. To relieve itching caused by infection, apply a mixture of gram flour on the itchy area. Let the mixture set for 30 minutes. Then clean the skin with water.

5. Use essential oil
Essential oils can be used to relieve the itching of hands and feet. Peppermint oil, tea tree oil, sandalwood oil, ajwain oil, lemon oil, etc. can be used. Mix 2 to 3 drops of essential oil with a carrier oil like almond oil and leave it on the affected area. Wash the skin with clean water after about 40 minutes. You can repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day. These essential oils have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiinflammatory properties. The use of the oil is safe to a large extent to relieve the itching of the skin.