There is a lot of plastic around us in our daily life. Plastic has affected our lives so much that today's world cannot be imagined without plastic. From bathing to food items, plastic items are being used indiscriminately. Summer days have come, so now you will get to see a lot of plastic bottles in the fridge for cold water. But do you know that plastic bottled water is like a slow poison which causes many types of harm to the body? The use of plastic is not only harmful to the environment but also very dangerous for our bodies. Today we are telling you about some harmful effects of drinking water from a plastic bottle. Let's know about them...

Cancer risk
By drinking water in a plastic bottle, the dangerous chemicals present in it enter our bodies, which can harm us in many ways. Harmful chemicals present in plastic such as lead, cadmium and mercury increase the chances of serious problems like cancer, and disability in the body.

BPA Generation
Consumption of water in plastic bottles is not considered appropriate for women at all. Biphenyl A is an estrogen—a chemical that can lead to several health problems, such as diabetes, obesity, reproductive problems, behavioural problems, and early puberty in girls. It is better not to store and drink water from a plastic bottle.