Although pizza is an Italian food, it has reached every household in India. There is a craze about this among Indian foodies. There can be many ways to cook pizza, but in terms of popularity, everyone has the same opinion about it. However, eating pizza is not at all good for health. Let us know what harm can happen to people who eat this food excessively.

Why one should not eat too much pizza
1. High Calorie

A lot of mozzarella cheese is added to pizza which has high calories. This can cause some kind of harm to health. Therefore, eating within limits is safe.

2. Risk of diabetes
Pizza contains more carbohydrates, which can increase the sugar level and create the risk of diabetes. Diabetic patients should not eat pizza at all.

3. Weight will increase
People who want to lose weight should completely stay away from pizza because it is a high-calorie diet, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the stomach and waist.

4. High blood pressure
Pizza has a high amount of salt which is a rich source of sodium. This nutrient may cause problems with blood pressure

5. Heart attack
Eating too much pizza increases blood pressure, due to which the risk of heart disease increases. If you want to avoid a heart attack then do not eat this

6. Nutritional deficiency
Flour is used in pizza, which can cause a deficiency of nutrients in the body.

7. Indianization
Eating excessive pizza is not good for the stomach because it causes problems in digestion, and you may complain of constipation, gas, and indigestion.

(PC: Freepik)