Dry fruits are considered very beneficial for health. Health experts say that the consumption of dry fruits keeps many diseases at bay. You will be surprised to know that cashew and pistachio have a special relationship and both show amazing effects on the dry fruit body. Let us tell you that cashews and pistachios belong to the Anacardiaceae family. Let us know what are the benefits of eating pistachios.

Benefits of eating pistachios
Pistachios are called the treasure of health. It contains many nutrients including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. By consuming it, the eyesight remains fine and there is a brake on blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity. Health experts say that pistachio works like a panacea for diabetes patients. Pistachios are a superfood with a low glycemic index, which works to control diabetes. Health experts say that anti-oxidants named lutein and jo xanthin present in pistachios are found which prove to be very effective for eyesight. According to experts, pistachios are the best source of plant-based protein which reduces body fat.

Pistachios reduce blood pressure and cholesterol
To control problems related to blood pressure and cholesterol, include pistachios in the diet. Pistachios help in reducing the bad cholesterol in the body. Pistachios reduce the increased inflammation in the body. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties present in it show an effect against inflammation. During the changing season, the immunity of the body decreases due to which we become vulnerable to many seasonal diseases. By consuming this, the immunity of the body gets cured and the body remains healthy.