Piles problem occurs due to bad lifestyle and poor eating habits. We know this as piles. The biggest cause of this disease is constipation. Due to constipation, there is difficulty in passing stool due to which the patient gets swelling inside and outside the anus. This also causes bleeding and difficulty in getting up and sitting. If food is taken care of in the initial stages of the disease, then this problem can be got rid of. Today we will know what things piles patients should avoid.

What things should piles patients avoid?

  • In case of piles problem, coffee and tea should not be consumed at all, because caffeine is found in large quantities in tea and coffee. Caffeine can dehydrate the body, causing difficulty in bowel movements and in this case, the symptoms of piles become severe.
  • Food items made from flour should not be consumed in piles. It contains a very high amount of carbohydrates, which is not easy to digest. Due to this constipation may increase. This can cause the stool to become tight and increase the symptoms of piles.
  • Piles patients should also avoid food containing very strong chilli spices. Due to this also the digestive system gets spoiled. Burning sensation and pain may increase during bowel movements.
  • Piles patients should also avoid high-protein diets like red meat and eggs. Consuming protein can spoil digestion. Protein is not digested properly, causing constipation pain and burning sensation in the rectum. Swelling may increase during bowel movements.
  • Pile patients should not consume ginger as it is hot which can increase your problem.
  • Pile patients should avoid eating pigeon peas and lentils. Because an abundant amount of protein is found in it. The digestive system finds it difficult to digest it. This causes constipation in your stomach, which is very harmful for piles patients.

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