There is a lot of hushed talk in our society about physical intimacy. The surprising thing is that here people are involved in sex first, they start knowing about it later. Most people's household continues even without sex education. This is the reason why many misconceptions about sex surround us. Come, today we will talk about the misconceptions of such physical intimacy, which are completely wrong. Let us know about these misconceptions regarding physical intimacy…

Low sex drive in women
Social norms often give us the impression that women are less interested in physical intimacy. According to Justin R. Garcia, executive director and researcher at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, this is a myth. In an interview with Insider, he told that the experience of libido has been found at the same level in men and women.

Sexual dysfunction hormonal problem
According to the data, sexually transmitted diseases affect an estimated 43 per cent of women and 31 per cent of men. Men have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. So there are symptoms like the inability to get the pleasure of physical intimacy in women. A common belief is that these conditions are specifically caused by an imbalance of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

Only women suffer from infertility
Now everyone knows that both men and women are 33 per cent responsible for infertility. Along with this, it is also true that in 33 per cent of couples no one is medically unfit, but they do not have children.

Pregnancy does not stay in periods
It is true that generally being physical during periods does not lead to pregnancy. But in many situations, it is also possible. At the beginning of periods, this becomes possible due to irregular periods. Menstruation can happen anytime from 24 to 40 days and this period can be different in women.