If you look, there will definitely be people around you who have kept some animal or the other. Especially people keep dogs or cats. Many families or people become so attached to them that they keep them like their family members. In such a situation, whenever these people go on a trip, they take them with them. For this, people use their cars etc., but those who do not have a car or you are going to some place where you cannot go by car. So how can you take your pet with you? No, don't think too much because here you can know some such ways through which you can take your pet with you. You can learn more about this further...

You can take it with you in these ways:-
Number 1

The first way is Indian train. Actually, Indian trains give you two options through which you can take your pet with you. The first way in this is by booking coupe in first AC. Here you first have to book a compartment for yourself and your pet and then you can take it along by fulfilling the other terms and conditions.

At the same time, if you have not got a coupe ticket, then you have another option. Actually, for big pets, there are some boxes fitted in the guard compartment, where you can keep your pet and it reaches your destination. In this, you need a medical certificate of PAT and a slip has to be cut. However, you can keep small pets with you in the coach by keeping them inside the box.

Number 2
If you are traveling within the country, you can take your pet with you via flight. You just have to inform the airline first, after which you can take your pet with you while fulfilling the terms and conditions.

Number 3
Roadways bus service of many states of India gives you the facility that you can take your pet with you. For this, you have to buy a double ticket for the dog, put a mask on its mouth, if the pet is small then keep it in a basket and if it is big, then it is given a seat and its medical certificate has to be carried along with it. Your pet can then travel with you.