Periods Pain: Period is a natural process that occurs every month in women. The first three days of the period are troublesome for every woman. During periods, most women feel abdominal pain, muscle cramps, back pain, pain in legs and thighs. During periods, our body produces hormones that cause contractions in the uterus and help shed the uterine lining.

These contractions are felt by women as menstrual cramps. Due to these hormones, there is a problem of leg pain, back pain and Thai pain. During this, there is a need to take special care of food and drink. Consuming certain foods can increase pain during periods. According to homeopathic physician Supriya Kabra, if you have a period for 3-7 days, the blood does not come more or less, the pain during the period is as much as you tolerate, then you do not need to worry. You can take your normal diet.

But if during this time your period cycle worsens, pain and discomfort are more and bleeding is less or more, then you need to pay special attention to your diet. During this, you can cure your problem by avoiding certain foods in the diet. Consuming some foods during this period can increase the problem of period pain. Let us know which foods should be avoided during periods.

Avoid cold things:
If pain and discomfort are increasing during periods, then you should avoid cold things. Avoid consuming cold drinks, ice cream, curd and buttermilk in cold things. During this, avoid consuming citrus fruits and things kept in the fridge, you will get relief from cramps and pain.

Avoid Heavy Spicy Foods:
During this, digestion starts deteriorating and the problem of stomach upset is more. During this, avoid rich food, rate meat, oily food, milk and tea. By consuming all these foods, digestion starts deteriorating and there may be problems in the stomach.

Consume less coffee, tea and milk: (avoid coffee, tea and milk)
During the period, reduce the intake of tea, coffee and milk. Milk, tea and coffee can increase the problem of acidity, so consume them in less quantity. The caffeine present in coffee and tea can increase cramps. Reduce the intake of dairy products during periods.