Parenting is such a word that when you hear it, a feeling of affection comes to your mind, it means bringing up a child. Good parenting is essential for the physical, mental, and emotional development of the child. In today's busy life, parents have less time to spend with their children. The kind of parenting that was given to children in earlier times has become very difficult to achieve in today's fast-paced life. According to National Crime Bureau data, there has been an increase of 21 percent in suicides in 2021 compared to 2011. Only 70 percent of the deaths are students. Let us know what other main reasons affect the lives of today's children.

Screen time is a problem
The biggest reason affecting the upbringing of children is the disturbed routine of parents due to screen time and the internet. It is not that the Internet does not have its benefits, but the way gadgets are interfering in our lives through reels and various social media, they have become a part of daily life. Due to this problems start interfering in life. You will be surprised to know that happy people watch fewer screens than unhappy people. A study has also revealed that after spending more time on the screen, they are more likely to go into depression. It is not that this screen time affects only the parents, but it also has a very negative impact on the children.

Blind race for success
Nowadays, the race for success has become very fast. Competition is increasing with every passing day. Parents want their children to be successful in every field, so they put a lot of pressure on them since childhood. This affects the mental health of children. It is not that children should not strive for success, trying to be successful is a very pleasant experience. But for a healthy person, it is very important to have a balance between ability, effort, and pressure to succeed. A study by the Journal of India Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health has revealed that 51 percent of children are suffering from problems like anxiety.

Dominating the market
Nowadays the market is dominating our lives. Influenced by attractive advertisements, parents often pay more attention to buying expensive things for their children, while not paying attention to the mental development of their children. There used to be a time when children used to listen to the stories of old people at home. Today, the childhood of most children is entangled in mobile, internet, and reels. Although children indeed connect with modernity with the help of the internet and gadgets, research has revealed that these expensive gadgets hurt most children.

One reason to have a nuclear family
In nuclear families, both parents work. In such a situation, they do not get a chance to spend enough time with their children. Being alone, children have no other option but to play with gadgets. They are not able to learn much about traditional sports. Many children do not even know the names of traditional sports. Due to flat culture, obesity has become very common in children these days. Not only this, the health of many children has deteriorated compared to before. The biggest example of this is that nowadays many children must wear glasses since childhood.

Social distancing is one reason
In today's busy life, people are becoming distant from each other. Due to this, children get fewer opportunities to meet their neighbors, relatives, and friends. This can hinder the social development of children. Earlier, children used to live among grandparents, uncles, aunts and aunts. However, due to the advent of flat culture, this has become very difficult to happen today. The all-round development of children occurs when all members of the family live together. Therefore, during holidays, try to make them meet everyone. If possible, talk to children from time to time through video calls.

(PC: Freepik)