Parenting Tips: Many children like to go to school. He likes to talk with friends or participate in other activities. Such children are also good at studies and writing. But many times such children start looking for excuses to avoid going to school. They find the school environment suffocating. They get stressed in the name of school and instead of talking after coming from school, they keep quiet. If there is a sudden change in your child too, then it can be a warning sign. Here we tell you how you can find out that the child is struggling in school.

Understand from these things that the child is troubled in school
Ignoring things related to school

According to VerywellFamily, if the child suddenly tries to change the subject when asked anything about the school or avoids talking about the school, then understand that there is some problem. Apart from this, if your child has suddenly started spending more time on mobile, video games, etc these days, then this can also be considered as a sign of this.

Complaining about the school
If your child used to talk only positively about the school earlier and is only complaining about the school these days, then he may be facing some problems. Maybe this problem is due to studies etc. or due to a bad relationship with someone or both.

Change in physical activity
If these days your child is not able to sleep well, has lost interest in eating and does not go to play, then it can be a troublesome symptom. If he remains sad when alone and remains lost somewhere, then it is also a sign that he is facing some problems in school.

Doing homework late
If the child is not able to do homework as usual and sits for hours with a book copy, then it tells that he is struggling with academic stress and anxiety.

Bad feedback from the teacher
If suddenly the teacher starts giving negative feedback about the child, then it can also be a matter of concern. In such a situation, you can take the help of the school administrator or talk to the counselor personally.

Behaving badly at school
It has often been seen in school students, especially in classes 8 to 10, that they start misbehaving or breaking discipline due to stress. If the child is not attending the class, then this can also be the reason for the problems going on in his mind. In such a situation, keep yourself calm and try to understand it. Build a friendly relationship with the child and motivate him to share his problems.
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