Eating papaya is considered good for health. Many nutrients like magnesium, fiber, vitamins, and fiber are found in it, which along with increasing the immunity power of the body, help in fighting many diseases. By consuming it, the body weight remains under control and the heart works properly. It has no match even in keeping the digestive system of the stomach healthy. Despite being such a beneficial fruit, eating papaya in some circumstances can also harm health. Let us know which people should not eat papaya at all.

Side Effects of Papaya
Low sugar level

People who have low sugar levels, should not consume papaya (Papaya Side Effects) at all. Doing this can increase their problems. Those who are diabetic patients, should also not eat it without the advice of the doctor.

In pregnancy
In the condition of pregnancy, eating papaya can cause harm. The papain present in it can damage the cell membrane in the body. This membrane is very important for the development of the child growing in the fetus. This is the reason why pregnant women are advised not to eat papaya.

Skin allergy
People who have any kind of skin allergy should avoid eating papaya (Papaya Side Effects). Consuming it can cause red rashes on the body, headache, dizziness, and swelling. People who are allergic to latex should also not eat papaya.

Eating medicine after papaya
Some people make the mistake of taking medicine shortly after eating papaya. Doing this can be harmful to health. A cocktail of papaya and medicines together makes the blood thinner in the body. Due to this there is a risk of bleeding from the body. Therefore it should not be done.