Banana gets over-ripened many times. Then we do not use it for food. In such a situation, many people throw away peeled bananas with brown spots. Today we are going to tell you some tricks, with the help of which you will be able to use ripe bananas properly.

The ripening of a banana is an indication that the amount of sugar inside it has increased. In this case, brown spots appear on the banana peel. This happens because of enzymes. Let us tell you that the more the banana ripens, the more sweetness increases in it. We talked about this topic with Dr Yogesh of NMCH Hospital. Let's know what he has said.

Chest pain problem

Many people have a misconception that chest pain occurs only due to heart attack but this is wrong. The symptoms of chest pain are felt for many reasons. Eating ripe bananas can provide relief from chest pain.

Beneficial for heart health

Overripe bananas are very good for heart health. In such a situation, if you also have pain in your heart, then you have to add ripe bananas to your diet. They have cholesterol-controlling properties which can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is not shared by us but by our experts.

Use in pain

If you also have a problem with muscle pain, then you should consume ripe bananas. Instead of throwing it, consuming it can be a very good option. Ripe bananas are rich in potassium, so you can use them to get relief from pain.

Photo Credit: Freepik


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