Weakness of bones is no longer a problem that occurs only with aging, even younger people are falling prey to it. Due to a lack of nutrients in the diet and disturbed lifestyle, premature weakening of bones and reduction in mineral density are now being seen. Osteoporosis is a rapidly increasing bone disease that can start at the age of 25.

Due to a lack of mineral density and mass of bones, they become so weak that even a slight injury or fall can cause the risk of fracture. Not only this, in severe cases of osteoporosis, even sneezing and coughing can cause the risk of bone breakage.

Due to osteoporosis, bones become weak and brittle. The risk of breaking of hip, wrist, or spine has been seen the most in its victims. Its risk has been seen in both men and women. To avoid this bone-related problem, it is important to keep making continuous efforts from an early age.

Let us know which people are at a higher risk of this and what efforts can be made to prevent it.

Why does this problem occur?

Generally, our bones are in a state of constant renewal. That is, old bone tissues keep getting destroyed and new tissues keep getting formed. However, with increasing age, this process starts getting disrupted. In the problem of osteoporosis, the tissues keep getting destroyed but new tissues are not formed.

Many risk factors can be responsible for osteoporosis, which are considered necessary to pay attention to and keep making efforts for prevention.

Who is at higher risk of this?
The risk of osteoporosis increases due to age, family history, and hormonal problems along with disturbances in eating habits.

Studies have found that a lack of sex hormones weakens the bones. At the time of menopause, the level of estrogen in women falls, similarly, in the case of prostate cancer treatment, the level of testosterone hormone gets affected in men. Such conditions can increase bone-related problems in you and also cause many other disorders.

Dietary irregularities are also dangerous

Calcium deficiency is considered to be one of the major reasons for bone problems. It can also play an important role in the development of osteoporosis. Lack of calcium in the diet is considered to reduce bone density, damage bones quickly, and increase the risk of fractures.

People with a sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity) are also at higher risk.

Be careful even if you are a victim of these diseases

The risk of osteoporosis is also seen to be higher in people with some type of medical problem. If you are also a victim of any of these diseases, then be careful.

Celiac disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease.

Kidney or liver disease and cancer.

Multiple myeloma.

Rheumatoid arthritis.