Teeth are an important part of our body which helps in chewing food properly. But due to simple mistakes like not brushing the teeth properly or eating sweets before sleeping and not washing the mouth at regular time intervals, the teeth get damaged. Any type of dental problem may appear simple, but its long-term consequences can be very serious. A toothache can be caused by several problems such as gingivitis, tooth weakness and decay. A toothache can be very painful as it progresses. But medicines don't need to be consumed to relieve toothache. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such home remedies, with the help of which toothache can be removed even without medicines. Let's know about them...

Salt water gargles
Gargling with salt water has been considered a very effective home remedy to relieve toothache. Mixing salt in lukewarm water and gargling with it can relieve toothache. Saltwater is a natural disinfectant which can be very helpful in removing food debris stuck between the teeth and reducing the pain caused by it. Gargling with salt water also provides relief from the pain caused by swollen gums.

Cold compress of ice pack
If your face is swollen, apply an ice pack to your cheek for the first 24-36 hours. This may help in reducing the pain. If part of your tooth is broken or loose, you may have severe pain along with swelling in your gums. Swelling can also mean that there is an abscess, pus, or infection at the root of your tooth.

Clove oil
Clove has been considered very effective in case of toothache. This is a home remedy that many people do. To reduce toothache or to remove swelling, dip clove oil in cotton and keep it where there is pain or swelling, you will get relief in no time. Clove oil also has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in killing bacteria.