How to Clean Yellow Teeth: The problem of the yellowing of teeth is increasing. Due to this, an inferiority complex also starts coming in people, but do not get upset. Today we tell you 4 useful tips.

Yellow Teeth Remedies: If we do not clean the teeth properly then it does not take long for them to turn yellow. Because of this, tooth decay starts and you have to face embarrassment in getting out anywhere. Today we are telling you 5 useful tips to avoid such a problem. By adopting these tips, you can easily remove the yellowing of teeth sitting at home.

How To Clean Yellow Teeth

Coconut oil

You can use coconut oil to remove the yellowness of the teeth. For this, put coconut oil in your mouth and rotate it here and there. After this rinse it off. This trick is called oil pulling. By doing this, the dirt stuck in the corner of the teeth is removed and the teeth do not get yellow.

Baking soda

You can also use Baking Soda to keep the teeth clean. Baking soda is also called a natural cleanser. To use it, mix baking soda in water. After this, put it on the brush and clean the teeth. Your teeth (Yellow Teeth Solution) will shine like pearls and their yellowness will disappear.


Pineapple also plays a wonderful role in removing the yellowness of teeth. It acts as a natural stain remover, which removes the yellowness and plaque accumulated on the teeth. To use it, put some pieces of pineapple in a blender and grind it by adding some water to it. After that filter the mixture and separate the juice. Then add some sugar and salt to that juice. After this, on cleaning the teeth (Yellow Teeth Solution) with that solution, they sparkle.

Banana peel

Banana peel can also help you in returning the natural color of your teeth. To use it, take a banana peel and rub the teeth from its inside. After this, clean the teeth (Yellow Teeth Solution) by applying toothpaste on the brush. The yellowing of your teeth would have disappeared.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)