Most women start suffering from many diseases after the age of 40. Many diseases are also life threatening. Generally, women approach menopause around the age of 40. And due to menopause many diseases start occurring in the body. Let us know in this photo gallery which diseases women generally suffer from at the age of 40 and what solutions can be taken from now on.

After the age of 40, the risk of diabetes increases in women. Fatigue, excessive thirst, increased urination, blurred vision, weight loss, soft gums are some of the symptoms of diabetes in women.

Generally, women start suffering from arthritis after the age of 40. Pain and stiffness in joints are the main symptoms of this disease.

It is very common for women's bones to become weak after the age of 40. Due to changes in hormones, there are changes in the body structure also. That is why doctors always recommend calcium and vitamin D rich foods to women.

With increasing age, the veins carrying urine start becoming weak, sometimes it happens that we no longer have control over our urination. In such a situation, this problem becomes very common in women with increasing age.

These days, having kidney stones has become very common. These stones can happen to anyone, male or female, but it has been seen that most women develop kidney stones around the age of 40. Kidney stones are not stones but are deposited objects in the urinary tract. Therefore drinking water regularly is beneficial for health.

Add green vegetables to your diet from today itself. Do exercise regularly every morning. Drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.

Along with following all these things, whenever you feel like it, get a routine checkup done from the doctor and if you are gaining weight without any reason or your hair is falling, then definitely get a thyroid test done.
​(PC: Freepik)