As soon as the cold season arrives, the way we eat and drink changes a lot. Many different types of fruits and vegetables are available in this season. It is believed that the cold season is best for improving health. But often people make many such nutrition mistakes in this season that there is less benefit and more harm to their health.

Yes, this is a season when you can make your health as well as spoil it. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietician of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some such nutrition mistakes made in winter, which you should try to avoid.

Do not take probiotic food

It is seen that people completely stop consuming probiotic foods like curd etc. during cold days. Whereas probiotic foods are very important for gut health. Due to this, the good bacteria in the intestine improve, which also has a positive effect on the immune system. Not only this, if you consume fresh curd, you also get calcium, protein and many other nutrients.

Not taking care of hydration

Generally, people reduce their water intake significantly during cold days. There is not much thirst in this season. In such a situation, people do not drink even two litres of water a day. However, this dehydrates the body. This is such a nutrition mistake, due to which your body is not able to function properly. This can lead to weight gain, infection or allergies.

Not adjusting calorie intake

People's physical activity often reduces significantly during cold days. On the other hand, in this season people eat more paratha or halwa etc. By doing this their calorie intake increases significantly. If you do not pay attention to your calorie intake in this season, it does not take long for you to gain weight. This is the reason why people complain of weight gain during cold days. Therefore, take special care of portion control while eating in this season.

Consuming too much caffeine

People like to drink hot tea and coffee in winter. Not only this, some people even drink several cups of tea and coffee throughout the day. However, by doing this, your caffeine intake becomes too much, which not only dehydrates your body but also causes gut problems, lack of proper sleep, rapid fluctuations in the energy level in the body and many more. All kinds of problems happen. Therefore, try to limit caffeine intake in this season also.

Overeating comfort food

It is seen that people like to eat their comfort food more during cold days. These comfort foods have high sugar, calorie and fat content. When these are consumed every day, they can hurt your health. This not only increases your weight but can also cause many other problems in the body.

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