All the employed people in India will be aware of the terms of the notice period. When any employed person is going to leave one job and join another job. Then during that time he has to serve the notice period. Different rules have been set regarding the notice period in different companies. In some companies, the notice period is 1 month.

And in some companies, it is 3 months. Many times employees join another job without serving the notice period. So in such a situation, they face difficulty in getting the leave letters and other documents from the previous company. Can a company force an employee to serve the notice period? Let us tell you what the law says about this.

What are the rules regarding notice period?

When employees are appointed by almost every company. Then some documents are signed by them. In which there is also a mention about the notice period. The days of the notice period are different in different companies. Some companies have a notice period of 30 days and some have a notice period of 90 days. The rule of notice period is implemented by companies for this. So that if an employee leaves the job, the company can find another option for that employee during the notice period. So that the work of the company is not affected by the employee leaving the job.

Can the company be forced to serve?

Generally, when an employee joins a company. Then he has to follow some rules and instructions related to the company. For this, the employee also signs the documents. In this, rules are also fixed regarding the notice period. Which the employee has to follow. But no company can force the employee to serve the notice period. Generally, when an employee signs a contract. Then some conditions are also written on it about not serving the notice period.

What happens if the notice period is not served?

There are many rules for not serving the notice period. If a company wants to get an employee to join early. So she buys out the notice period from the first company, i.e. she settles it with money. Or the employee can get his leaves adjusted instead of the notice period. Which includes earned leave and sick leave.

(PC: Freepik)