Blood pressure is one of the rapidly growing problems of present times. This problem is not only affecting the elderly but now young people and even children are also becoming its victims. Blood pressure being higher or lower than normal, both conditions can cause many types of problems, which is why health experts advise all people to pay special attention to maintaining blood pressure control. Is your blood pressure normal?

Generally, increased blood pressure is considered to be the main cause of heart diseases and fatal heart attacks. But this condition can also cause many other problems like stroke, eye problems, and kidney disease.

Studies show that certain types of foods are high in nitrates which can be very beneficial for you in reducing blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure must make it a part of their diet.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is naturally produced by the human body and is one of the most important molecules for blood vessel health. It is a vasodilator, which means it relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels, causing the vessels to widen. In this way, nitric oxide increases blood flow and helps reduce blood pressure.

Some fruits, vegetables, and food items also contain nitric oxide, which if consumed on the advice of a doctor, can be especially beneficial in controlling blood pressure.

Include beetroot in your diet
Beets are rich in dietary nitrate, which your body converts to nitric oxide. According to a study conducted on 38 adults, consuming beetroot juice supplements increased nitric oxide levels by 21% after just 45 minutes. Another study has shown that drinking 100 ml of beetroot juice significantly increases the level of nitric oxide in both men and women, which is very effective in reducing blood pressure.

Garlic also provides benefits
Garlic may increase nitric oxide levels by activating nitric oxide synthase. Animal studies showed that garlic extract temporarily increased blood nitric oxide levels by 40% within about an hour of consumption. Including garlic in the diet is beneficial in improving the health of blood pressure patients.

Dark chocolate is very beneficial
Dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, naturally occurring compounds that help lower blood pressure. Research shows that the flavanols found in cocoa help increase nitric oxide levels in your body to promote heart health and protect cells from oxidative damage. A study conducted on 16 people showed that consuming 30 grams of dark chocolate per day could increase nitric oxide levels in the blood.

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