The new year 2023 is about to knock in a few days and every year we make a resolution, that is, we promise ourselves to inculcate some good habits. Are you planning to follow the resolution related to diet from January 1 this time? It is a good thing to be serious about health, but how to take diet or what are the effective methods related to it should also be known. Nutritionist Garima Mishra has shared a post on Insta that with which 4 diet hacks you can stay healthy and fit. Let us tell you about it…

Eat slowly
According to Garima Mishra's post, whenever you eat something, finish it slowly. With this, the intake of calories will be correct, while it will also help in weight loss. According to the English website Healthline, eating things slowly gives benefits, as well as the stomach remains full for a long time. This method will also save you from food cravings.

Avoid distractions
Whenever you are eating food, during this time do not do such work which distracts your attention. Eating food while looking at television, computer or phone screen can cause harm instead of benefit. By not paying attention, you are not able to decide how much food will be right for your body.

Fiber food
Nutritionists say that always eat only things rich in fiber. Apart from vegetables, follow the routine of rotis made of coarse grains. Eat milk and cornflakes instead of bread in breakfast.

Nutrient intake
Experts say that always try to eat such food, in which nutrients are present. Start reducing its intake by changing the habit of outside food.