Many types of vitamins are needed to keep the body free from diseases. One of these is Vitamin D. From strengthening bones, it helps in many functions of the body. Due to its deficiency, most of the problems related to bones occur. Its deficiency is often seen in old people and women. However, many times people start consuming more Vitamin D than required to get benefits. Due to this, it starts having bad effects on the body. Let us know what the problems are caused by taking too much Vitamin D. Health expert Dr. Tariq Azad is giving information about this.

Taking too much Vitamin D can also be dangerous

Excessive intake of Vitamin D can cause hypervitaminosis D or Vitamin D toxicity. This causes hypercalcemia in which the amount of calcium in the blood increases. This increases pain in the bones. Hypercalcemia makes the bones weak. Due to this fatigue and weakness also occur.

Vitamin D toxicity causes loss of appetite and problems like nausea and vomiting. Problems of nervousness and high BP also occur. Due to an increase in calcium levels in the body, it can accumulate in the whole body which can cause damage to the kidneys. Due to an increase in Vitamin D in the body, calcium increases in the bloodstream due to which the nutrients are not able to reach different organs. Due to this, heart and kidney health also gets damaged.

Vitamin D toxicity can cause kidney stone problems. There is also a risk of kidney failure. At the same time, it also causes problems related to digestion.

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