National Toothache Day 2023: National Toothache Day 2023 is celebrated every year on 9th February to make you aware of dental problems, get rid of toothache and bring back your smile. By the way, a toothache is a very common disease. Due to many reasons, there is a complaint of pain in the teeth, but when the toothache starts, then the condition of the elders becomes thin. Then an attempt is made to get over-the-counter treatment. In childhood itself, we are told many small things about taking care of teeth and cleaning them. Today, on National Toothache Day, we are going to tell you about the 5 most common causes of toothache, knowing which you can avoid unbearable pain.

1. Tooth Decay
Due to tooth decay, teeth start breaking. Because of this, there is mild pain at first but later it becomes very sharp. When the bacteria causing tooth decay reaches the nerve of the teeth, there is unbearable pain. Whose treatment is done by root canal?

2. Gum problem
If there is an infection in your gums, then it reaches the bones and ligaments under the teeth and causes pain inside the entire mouth. We should take care that there should be blood control before the pain in the gums. If this happens see a doctor.

3. Oral Infection
If you do not clean your mouth properly, then you may have a serious infection. It can also reach the rest of the body. In such a situation, pus and bacteria can give rise to many diseases. In such a situation, you can be in big trouble. Although this problem is cured by medicine.

4. Wisdom Tooth Eruption
Wisdom teeth are the last, strongest teeth in our mouth. It comes out last. This is the reason that they do not get full space in the mouth. When these teeth come, they push the rest of the teeth as well. Because of this, pressure also builds up on the gums and there are complaints of pain in the teeth, swelling of the gums and discomfort.

5. Tooth fracture
If a tooth breaks due to an accident, it also brings a lot of unbearable pain. When this happens, there is also a problem of bleeding and swelling. Breaking teeth is also quite common in athletes or many professions, but there is pain.