Bones only provide a structure to our body. Like other parts of the body, it is very important to take care of the bones. There are about 206 bones in a person's body. It protects many parts of the body. For example, the skull protects the brain; similarly, the ribcage protects the heart and lungs. In addition, bones serve as a storehouse of essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. When the body needs these minerals for other functions, it can use the minerals stored in the bones.

When bones become weak, it increases the risk of fractures. Not only this, people also complain of osteoporosis in old age. To avoid this, it is necessary to take care of bone health. However, taking care of bone health, you should avoid accepting some myths as truth. So let's know about these myths-

Myth 1- Adequate calcium can be obtained by drinking milk for strong bones.

Fact- Milk is indeed a good source of calcium, but it is not the only way. You can also consume green leafy vegetables, tofu, paneer and almonds etc. for calcium intake. If even after this you do not get enough calcium, then you can also take calcium supplements on the advice of the doctor.

Myth 2- Osteoporosis only happens to women.

Fact- Women are indeed more likely to get osteoporosis. It is associated with the post-menopausal phase, but men can also develop this condition. As people age, bone loss can occur in both men and women, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Hence, one needs to take care of both proper nutrition and exercise.

Myth 3- Taking calcium supplements is very beneficial for bones.

Truth: Many people may find themselves in need of a calcium supplement. But not everyone should take calcium supplements on their own. Excess amounts of calcium in the body can also cause problems. Excessive calcium intake without adequate vitamin D can lead to kidney stones. Therefore, it is always advised to consume calcium supplements only on the advice of a doctor.

Myth 4- Women cannot have strong bones like men.

Fact- Women indeed have less bone mass as compared to men. However, this does not mean that women cannot have strong bones like men. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, women can also take care of their bone health very easily. Weight-bearing exercise and hormonal balance, along with a balanced intake of nutrients other than calcium and vitamin D, can help women keep their bones as healthy as men for longer.

So now you too should not believe these myths related to bone health and take better care of your health.

Image Credit – freepik