Even today there are many such mysterious places in India which remain a puzzle even for the biggest science. Today we are going to tell you about the 'Son Bhandar' of Nalanda located in Bihar. It is said that the treasure of gold has been hidden in this store for hundreds of years. Well, how much truth is there in this matter, we are going to tell you in this article.

It is believed that the wife of Bimbisara, the founder of the Haryanka dynasty, hid her gold in this store which is still far away from the eyes of the people. If history is to be believed, Bimbisara, the founder of the Haryanka dynasty, had a great attachment to gold and silver. In such a situation, the treasures of the Haryanka dynasty were kept hidden in this cave of Bihar. Many British had also tried to go to this cave during that period but they were unsuccessful.

Who built the cave

At the same time, this cave was not built by anyone else but Bimbisara's wife. Not only the people of India but people from abroad also come to see this cave. Everyone gets surprised to hear the mysterious story related to this cave. Let us tell you that this place is located in Rajgir, Bihar.

Queens of Bimbisaram

Bimbisara had many queens. In such a situation, one of his queens used to take full care of Bimbisara's choice. It is also said that Bimbisara's wife built this gold store in Rajgir when Ajatashatru captured her father and put him in prison. During this time all the treasures collected by the king were hidden in the cave.

Even the cannon the British could not blow the door of the cave

Two large rooms were made identical in this cave. Soldiers used to live in a cave while the treasures were hidden in another room. This room is covered with a big rock which to date no one has been able to open it. Something is written on this door in a conch shell script. No one has been able to read this till now. , Before independence, the British had once tried to blow up this door with cannon but they did not get success in it. After that, it became a story.

image credit: google


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