Before the festival of Diwali, along with cleaning the house, you must pay extra attention to the cleanliness of the body. Although you should take care of this every day, before Diwali, weather changes affect your skin. In such a situation, how would you feel if your house shines on Diwali but your face looks haggard? You would never want that. Therefore, you should start paying attention to your skincare.

To bring a glow to your face and make your skin flawless, you can follow an easy skincare routine. For this, we have talked to beauty expert Poonam Chugh. She says, 'The weather has changed and hence difficult times have started for those with dry skin. At the same time, due to smog, it is not a good time for people with oily skin, because if the dust sticks to the oily skin, it starts looking dull and there is also a risk of getting pimples.

In such a situation, Poonam Chugh is telling a morning skincare routine, which will suit every skin and make it glowing.

Face cleaning

After waking up in the morning, the first thing you should do is use a light scrub to clean your face. For this, you can prepare it at home with the ingredients available in your kitchen.

If you have dry skin, then you should prepare powder by drying the orange peel and then adding raw milk to it and scrubbing the face while massaging it with light hands. After scrubbing for 2 minutes, you should wash your face with water.

If the skin is oily then you should mix aloe vera gel in oats powder and scrub your face with it. By doing this the excess oil on your face will be removed and your skin will glow. Keep in mind that you have to grind the oats finely beforehand, if you clean the skin with a coarse powder of oats, then your skin pores may become larger, due to which excess oil may come out.

Face massage

After scrubbing, you must massage your face because during scrubbing, the skin pores become larger and if they are not treated, then dust can enter them, which can also increase the chances of skin infection.

In such a situation, if your skin is oily then you should massage your face with gel-based moisturizer and if you are looking for natural resources, then you can also use aloe vera gel on your face. Instead of applying aloe vera directly on the skin, it is better to mix a little plain water in it. If you want, you can also massage your face with coconut water.

If the skin is dry then you should mix a little honey in rose water and massage your face. You can also leave the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes after massaging the face. This will reduce the dryness of your skin. Let us tell you that both rose water and honey contain moisturizing elements.

Face mask

You can give smoothness to the skin by applying a face mask on your face, you will get many types of face masks in the market according to your skin, but if you want to make a face mask naturally, then you can make it at home by mixing gram flour in milk. If your skin is oily then you can also make a sandalwood face pack.