High blood pressure is a serious problem in which the pressure on the blood vessels increases. There could be many other reasons for this, from high cholesterol to excess weight and smoking. Due to this, the risk of many other diseases including heart increases manifold. Therefore, it is very important to keep it under control. If you are taking medicines to control BP, then you can also include some healthy things in your diet.

Yes, nowadays the problem of high blood pressure has become very common. But, you do not need to worry, because today we will tell you about an easy and effective drink to control high BP. You must try it once. Maternal and child nutritionist DrRamita Kaur is telling us about this. Let us know in detail about the method and benefits of making it through the article-

Ingredients of BP Control Drink

  • Coriander seeds – 5 grams
  • Small cardamom- 1
  • Turmeric powder- 1 pinch
  • Garlic- 1 piece
  • Lemon juice- 1 teaspoon

BP control drink recipe

  • Soak coriander seeds and cardamom in water overnight.
  • Then take some water in the pan.
  • Now put everything except lemon in the pan and boil it.
  • Filter it and add lemon juice.
  • If you want, you can also add honey to it.
  • Drink it hot in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefits of coriander seeds, cardamom, turmeric, garlic and lemon juice

Coriander seeds

These seeds present in your kitchen are full of medicinal properties. It contains fibre, calcium, iron, carbohydrate, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, vitamin C, niacin etc. Coriander seed water is very good for people suffering from high blood pressure. Drinking this water on an empty stomach in the morning keeps BP under control.

Coriander seeds are beneficial for intestinal and heart-related diseases. Coriander controls intestinal activity, thereby managing high blood pressure. Additionally, coriander water acts as a diuretic, removing excess sodium from your body. This can also reduce your blood pressure. Apart from this, this water increases good cholesterol by reducing bad cholesterol.


Cardamom, which enhances the taste and flavour of vegetables and sweets, also helps in controlling BP. Small cardamom contains high amounts of calcium and potassium, which controls blood pressure.

It also contains iron and magnesium. Also, cardamom contains anti-oxidants. Therefore, it is best for hypertension patients. Apart from this, cardamom controls systolic and diastolic levels, thereby reducing high BP.


Turmeric has many medicinal properties. Cold, cough and flu can be cured with turmeric milk. Also, the turmeric face pack makes the skin glow. But, do you know that you can also control BP with turmeric? In high blood pressure, bad cholesterol gets deposited in the form of plaque in the arteries. In such a situation, taking turmeric can help.

Turmeric is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is also present in it, which controls blood pressure and reduces high BP.


In high BP, the arteries become hard with time. Due to this, problems of infection and swelling start occurring. In such a situation, garlic can be useful for you. Garlic reduces both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in high BP patients.

Additionally, eating garlic increases the production of nitric oxide in the body. It widens the arteries. Additionally, sulfur in garlic helps dilate blood vessels and increases blood flow. When blood flows easily, BP remains under control.


Lemon is a fruit which can easily control BP. Vitamin C present in lemon contains many types of anti-oxidants, which relieve the problem of hypertension. Apart from this, taking lemon corrects the imbalance of electrolytes in the body.

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