Walking for some time is the easiest and best way to prevent many types of diseases. Walking keeps you physically active. Blood circulation improves and immunity is strengthened. Walking daily burns calories, which prevents excess fat from accumulating in the body. Apart from this, walking also has a positive effect mentally.

However, as soon as the monsoon arrives, this activity of people who walk daily in the morning or evening reduces. In the rainy season, it often rains at any time, there is a problem of mud or slippery surfaces outside, and people are unable to go out for a walk even if they want to in the monsoon, due to the possibility of dengue and malaria in parks etc.

In such a situation, you can practice some yogasanas at home, which can provide health benefits like walking. These yogasanas also have many other health benefits. Let us know which easy yogasanas should be practiced at home if you are not able to walk on foot during the rainy season.

You can practice Tadasana daily. This asana increases height. The posture of the body remains correct. Also, by practicing this asana, the person's fatigue is removed and energy increases. Tadasana also helps in relaxing the muscles and improving blood flow.

Adhomukha Shavasana
Adhomukha Shavasana strengthens the lower part of the body, arms and legs. With this, the legs, chest, calves, and back can be stretched. You can get relief from back pain with this asana.

The practice of Kapalabhati strengthens the digestive system, which provides relief from problems like gas, acidity, and constipation. Kapalabhati helps in improving the functioning of the lungs, liver, pancreas.

Anulom Vilom
This pranayama is related to breathing. Stress can be reduced by doing this action. Along with the improvement in blood circulation, the body gets many benefits by practicing Anulom Vilom.

(PC: Google)