You must have heard and seen about the blindness of the eyes. Over time, there can be a risk of blindness due to any type of eye disease or due to many other reasons. But do you know about brain blindness or mind blindness? This is a problem in which our brain does not know how to make a picture. So even though you are seeing things with your eyes, it becomes difficult to understand them in reality.

Health experts say that eyes alone are not enough to see anything, for this, the eyes of your brain must function properly. When we see anything, the eyes immediately send signals to the brain to understand it. In the condition of mind blindness, the picture cannot be formed in our mind. It is also known as Efantasia in the medical language.

Aphantasia problem
Health critics said in a report that one out of 50 people worldwide may have this problem. It occurs when the visual cortex of your brain does not function properly. The visual cortex is the part of the brain that processes what the eyes see. Often this problem can be congenital, some people are also at risk due to brain injury or any other problem in the brain.

Scientists say that visual imagery, in which your brain creates images inside your head, plays an important role in remembering and recognizing something the next time you see it.

The brain has difficulty in forming pictures
Health experts say this problem of aphantasia can remain lifelong. It can be easily noticed in adolescence.

One study found that people with aphasia reported problems with the images being formed in the brain. Scientists said that such people may have trouble remembering everyday things - such as the number of windows in a building, seeing a person before but not recognizing them the next time they meet.

Retaining Memories Can Be Difficult
Health experts say, when we talk about memories, this part of the brain has an important role in it, it helps in creating images of old things in our mind. This one problem can affect your life in many ways.
Difficulty remembering or reliving life events.
Difficulty visualizing future or imaginary events.
Less dreaming etc.

Aphantasia is still a 'mystery' even for scientists
The researcher told- We are studying to understand how it affects different people. We are not yet sure what genetic and developmental factors may cause aphantasia or how it may affect the way of thinking in people who are born with it, the condition remains a great mystery. Due to this continuous research is going on to understand.

Since this problem has not yet been understood properly, there is no cure for it. We are making efforts in the studies so that proper treatment can be arranged for the problem.

(PC: Freepik)