Medicines play a very important role in saving someone's life. Medicines strengthen the immunity within us. Due to this, even after suffering from any kind of serious disease, we get cured soon by consuming medicines. Apart from this, we also need medicines a lot to keep our health in good condition. At the same time, these days your health is being played with. Fake medicines are being sold in the name of real at many medical stores. If you consume these fake medicines, then you may have to face many health related problems. In such a situation, if you are going to buy medicines at a medical store, then you need to be careful. In this episode, today we are going to tell you about some special methods, with the help of which you can identify real and fake medicines. Let's know -

You can identify real and fake medicines by looking at their packaging. You should know that the packaging of fake medicines is not done properly. Not only this, clear information about the medicine is also not written on its packaging.

On the other hand, the medicines which are genuine have clear information about the medicine written on them. Apart from this, the packaging of genuine medicines is also done properly. A special kind of unique code is printed on the genuine medicines.

This unique code contains important information from the manufacturing date of the medicine to its supply chain. Those who make fake medicines copy the design of the original medicines. However, they are not able to copy the unique code or QR code of the original medicine.

Apart from this, you should always buy medicines from a trusted medical store. After buying the medicine you are buying, show it to your doctor. The doctor will easily find out whether the medicine is genuine or not by looking at it.