It is a natural process for humans to dream. A person sees many types of dreams throughout his lifetime. In dream science, seeing dreams is said to be a sign of future events. Some dreams inform you of success and profit shortly, while some indicate loss and suffering. Let us know about some of these good and bad dreams.

1. If you see an owl in your dream, it is considered a kind of inauspicious sign. Apart from money loss, there is a possibility of any other inauspicious event.

2. If you see such a dream in which someone is cutting your pocket, then it is considered an inauspicious dream. This is an indication that a financial crisis is about to come into your life. Seeing a torn pocket in a dream is also considered a sign of poverty.

3. If you see a tree full of mangoes in your dream, it is a sign that good news is about to come to your home.

4. If you see a snake in your dream, it means that a new guest may arrive at your house. That means a child can be born in your house. This dream is also considered an indicator of wealth gain.

5. If you see thousands of parrots together in your dream, then it is considered an auspicious dream. This is a sign that a lot of happiness is going to come into your life now.


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