Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally. According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1.80 million (18 lakh) people died of lung cancer in the year 2020. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in Indian men. Lung cancer has been considered responsible for about 5.9% of all types of cancer and about 8.1% of cancer-related deaths here. Lung cancer ranks seventh in cases of cancer-related deaths among Indian women.

This cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs. Health experts say that smoking is the biggest cause of this cancer. The risk of lung cancer increases manifold in people who smoke for a long time.

World Lung Cancer Day is celebrated every year on August 1 to make people aware of the increasing risks of cancer around the world and educate them about the measures to prevent it. Let's know about this rapidly increasing cancer.

Risk of cancer in the lungs

Health experts say that lung cancer can happen to anyone, although the risk has been seen more in those who smoke or are exposed to its smoke. Smoke contains many harmful chemicals or other toxins, exposure to which puts the lung cells at risk of damage. When cells in the lungs start dividing uncontrollably, it increases the risk of tumors and cancer.

Lung cancer can also occur in children. Lung cancer diagnosis such as pleuropulmonary blastoma is mainly done before the age of 4 years. This kind of risk has been seen due to some changes in the functioning of lung cells.

What other reasons can cause cancer apart from smoking?

Although many reasons can increase the risk of lung cancer, consuming any kind of tobacco products including bidi-cigarettes is considered to be the biggest risk factor. Experts estimate that 80% of lung cancer deaths are related to smoking. Many other conditions can also increase the risk of lung cancer.

Secondhand smoking - Being exposed to the smoke released by people around.

Being exposed to air pollution, radon, coal products smoke, and other harmful substances.

Use of radiation therapy to treat a disease such as breast cancer or lymphoma.

Having a family history of lung cancer.

Can be identified by these symptoms

No symptoms usually appear in the early stages of lung cancer. It starts appearing when the disease becomes serious. These are four signs with the help of which this serious condition can be detected to a great extent.

Long-lasting cough that is not getting cured.

Chest pain and cough with blood.

Shortness of breath and wheezing.

Change in voice, voice becoming heavy or hoarse.

How to stay safe from this problem?

Although it is not possible to prevent all types of lung cancer, some measures can be taken to reduce the risks.

Staying away from smoking is the most important way to prevent this cancer. If someone is smoking nearby, then avoid exposure to their smoke.

Take precautions to protect yourself from coming in contact with toxic chemicals at the workplace.

Choose a healthy diet consisting of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Researchers consider things containing beta carotene beneficial in reducing the risk of lung cancer.

Air pollution is also a factor. Wear a good quality mask to protect yourself from pollution.