Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease does not cause harm in the initial stages, but in the long term, it becomes the cause of liver damage.

In Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD), Fat Deposits on the Liver start and gradual Swelling on Liver starts coming in the Liver. The problem begins when these fat cells start creating a build-up of toxic waste in the body and start stopping the liver from working. Are. If this liver disease is not controlled in time, then it becomes Liver Damage Risk.

According to the report of the Journal of Nature and Science of Sleep, sleep disturbance is a sign of liver failure, especially if you wake up daily between 1 am and 4 am.

Integrative and Functional Medicine Specialist Dr. Brian Lunn says that sleep disturbance every night is directly related to the liver. The liver is the most common reason for waking up between 1 am to 4 am. When the liver is fatty or swollen, then sleep opens at the same time in the night and there is a special reason behind it.

According to the report of the Journal of Thoracic Diseases, sleep disturbances are found in 60 to 80 percent of liver patients.

Symptoms of liver failure

If restless leg syndrome with sleeplessness or being sleepy during the day or not sleeping at night is also associated with liver problems. Sometimes, due to liver failure, the stomach starts feeling full even after eating a little bit. The stomach always remains tense due to acidity, and gas. Some of these symptoms are also due to liver failure. Fatty liver causes insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Also of high cholesterol.

Dr. Lunn says that when the liver becomes burdened with accumulated fat, it is unable to detoxify the body properly. When our body is sleeping between one to four o'clock in the night, then the liver works hard to clean and detox the body. Liver Cleanse: Between 1 and 4 PM, the liver needs more energy to detoxify the body, and its functioning is affected due to the layer of fat. For more energy, it starts triggering your nervous system to wake up and this is the reason why sleep opens.

If your sleep is also opening at the same time every day and you feel the symptoms mentioned above, then get your liver test done and do contact the doctor.

Disclaimer: Our article is only for providing information. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.