Bathing Mistakes Leads To Hair Fall: If your hair is falling continuously then this news is useful for you. The reason behind hair fall can also be the wrong way of washing them. We see that most people are not able to clean the scalp properly due to which dirt accumulates in the hair follicles and new hairs do not grow and hair starts breaking. To overcome this problem, you should know the right way to wash your hair.

The right way to wash hair

Apply oil to hair 30 minutes before shampooing.

After this, wet your hair thoroughly.

Massage the shampoo by applying it well on the scalp.

After washing the hair, apply conditioner on the tips and wash the head after 2 minutes.

Now dry the hair in natural air.

Avoid these hair-damaging mistakes

Avoid combing wet hair after washing hair, because it weakens the hair and starts falling and if they are not taken care of in time, people can also become victims of baldness.

- Avoid washing hair more than 2 to 3 times a week, even by doing this hair breaks and becomes dry.

Oil should never be applied immediately after washing the hair, it weakens the hair.

First of all, dry the hair, then after a light comb, massage the head with a few drops of oil.

The right way to use conditioner

Use aloe vera instead of the conditioner available in the market.

Aloe vera must be applied on the head twice a week.

After washing the hair, apply conditioner on the tips.

Now let it sit for 2 to 3 minutes.

Then wash the head with water.

Keep in mind that do not apply conditioner to the scalp.

The right way to dry hair

Hair becomes weak due to the hot air of the hair dryer.

Stop drying the hair by jerking it with a cloth, because of this it starts breaking.

-Natural air is enough to dry the hair.

- Your hair will be completely dry in a few hours.

If there is a hurry, then wrap the towel on the hair and take out the extra water.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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