What is Bushirt: You must have heard many people saying that the fashion sense of today's young generation is better than in the past, but still many youths do not know the difference between a shirt and a bush shirt. Here this difference between a shirt and a bush shirt has been explained.

Difference Between Shirt and Bush-Shirt: At present, most people use shirts. Apart from men, the trend of shirts has also increased in today's women, although women's shirts are different from men's. Many times you hear about the bush shirt or bush shirt from people and consider both to be the same but it is not so. There are many big differences between these two. You can wear the shirt on any special occasion (party, wedding) but a bush shirt is not worn on these occasions. The bush shirt is worn for casual occasions and outings.

How is the texture?

The bush shirt is longer than a normal shirt and has the facility of putting a belt near the waist. Let us tell you that there are 4 to 5 pockets in the bush shirt. Generally, 2 pockets are made on the top side and 2 on the bottom side in the bush shirt. However, this model has become quite outdated and few people use it. Wearing a bush shirt is a bit difficult as compared to a shirt. However, in the fashion world, the bush shirt is becoming very popular again.

Hunters favorite

Cotton fabric is used to make the shirt, but sometimes the woolen fabric is also used to make it. Bush shirts are mostly used by people in forests and villages because it covers the whole body and their arms are also long. It helps in walking in the woods and rural areas, due to which we are saved from the bushes and thorns. Let us tell you that Bushart is a favorite of hunters. Many pockets made in the bush shirt come in handy for keeping tools. Apart from this, you can get it only in certain colors like dark grey, khaki and dark colors.