No relationship is perfect. It is very common to have ups and downs in relationships. The beauty of any relationship is that both the partners are making efforts for each other. But often it is not known when this love relationship turns into a toxic relationship. Toxic relationships stop us from moving forward, which also affects our mental health. It often happens that there are red flags in some relationships, yet due to lack of information, partners ignore them. In such a situation, it is important to recognize relationships. Let us know in today's article which habit of your partner can be a red flag.

What is red flag?

Actually, if we look at the literal meaning of Red Flag, it is red flag. But in the term of relationship, red flag means toxic behavior of the partner. If you understand in simple words, if your partner's behavior makes you uncomfortable then it can be a red flag for you.

1. Love Bombing

Love bombing is that stage of a relationship in which the partner makes a lot of promises and gives more love than necessary. To put it more simply, this happens in the beginning of any relationship. A person doing love bombing will talk about the future, shower his love on you and make big promises. But later he will back off and make you sad.

2. Lack of communication

Communication is the soul of any relationship. If your partner does not express his emotions, does not pay attention while listening to you or does not respond to your messages, then it is a sign that he is distant from you. In such a situation, you should talk openly to your partner.

3. Jealous behavior

Jealousy is a normal emotion that can occur even in healthy relationships. But jealousy should be healthy, which helps in your career growth. Every partner in a relationship should understand that discord should not arise due to jealousy. Therefore, both should be aware of their boundaries.

4. Emotional imbalance

If your partner gets angry quickly or things affect him quickly, then it is a sign of danger. Lack of empathy for others in your partner is also not a good sign. You should be with a person who can balance his emotions and understand your feelings.

5. Gaslighting

Gaslighting means when a person does not take responsibility for his bad behavior and blames you. Many times in this relationship, the partner indirectly blames the other for any mistake. This reduces trust in the relationship. If you feel that something is wrong in the relationship, listen to your conscience.

6. Abusive behavior

If your partner harms you in any way, physically or mentally, it is a huge red flag. If he does not have a humble nature towards you in conversation and insults you all the time, then this can be a red flag for you. In such a situation, options to avoid this should be worked on.

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