Things Should Be Removed From Kitchen: We keep many such things in our kitchen which are used almost daily, we have become so used to some things that it is difficult for us to work without them. Some things in the kitchen are not good for our health, yet we do not hesitate to use them. We should be alert in time about our health and that of our family, otherwise, we may not be able to escape from the loss.

Remove these things from the kitchen

1. Microwave

It becomes very easy to heat food through the microwave, because in its presence you do not need to heat food on gas, but use this machine at least because due to excessive heat generation, the effect of food Can change due to which there can be disturbances in the stomach.

2. Plastic Utensils

Plastic has become an important part of our life for the past few decades, without it our work does not work, this type of material has made its place in our kitchen as well. We have started keeping plates, spoons, bowls, glasses, and many other things in plastic which are harmful to health. This is because it contains dangerous chemicals. If we eat hot food in plastic utensils, then toxins enter our body and they cause great harm to our health.

3. Ground spices:

With the help of ground spices, we increase the taste of our food many times, but often we store them and use them for many days, but doing so can cause stomach upset. That's why try to use fresh spices and try to store them at least.

4. Utensils of aluminum

Aluminum utensils are used a lot in our kitchen but it is very harmful to our body. If you cook food in this metal pan or vessel, then you will harm yourself and your family because by doing this aluminum oxide is formed which gets mixed in our food, and it can cause stomach-related problems, including acidity. Is.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)

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