Many people are fond of drinking coffee. Consuming tea or coffee is also habitual. People have a habit of drinking coffee two to three times a day. Often people consume coffee to maintain energy. People who work in the office all day long drink coffee to reduce fatigue and energy. Although many people do not know how many types of coffee are there. Often when people ask them what kind of coffee they would like to drink, people do not understand. Coffee for them means a simple drink like tea. Many times you go to a cafe and see different types of coffee on the menu card, and you get confused as to which coffee to order. Let us know how many types of coffee are there so that you can easily order coffee of your favorite taste.

Espresso is pure dark and strong coffee. Milk is not used in this, nor is sugar added. It can also be called black coffee, which is quite strong.

Doupio is a double espresso. Doppio doubles the amount of espresso. More coffee drinkers order doppio.

Coffee made with a mixture of espresso and hot water. In this, hot water is added to the espresso coffee, which makes it less strong. But it is also counted in black coffee.

In this type of coffee, milk, and milk foam are used in espresso. Steamed milk is added to the coffee and milk froth is made on top. The quantity of all three is equal.

Latte also includes espresso, skimmed milk, and milk froth. It is similar to Cappuccino but Latte has more milk content.

A type of coffee is mocha. Like the latte, the mocha coffee is made from milk froth, skimmed milk, and espresso, although the mocha also includes hot chocolate. Due to this, its taste becomes more interesting.

Cortado coffee is made with skimmed milk and espresso. There is no frothing of milk, just espresso mixed with hot milk.

In this type of coffee, milk froth is mixed with espresso. Unlike the cortado, it does not involve hot milk but instead uses milk froth.

(PC: Freepik)