Do not drink cold drinks at all if you have a kidney stone problem because it contains phosphoric acid.

Kidney stone. Kidney stone is a serious problem. However, its severity also depends on the size of the stone. If the stone is large then it can be more painful and if the stone is small in size then it is less painful and can be removed naturally. Salt and other minerals in the body combine to form stones. There are four types of stones, calcium stone, struvite stone, uric acid stone, and cystine stone. If you have any of these stones, you should avoid consuming some such things which increase the problem of stones. Let's know about those foods, due to which the problem of stone becomes more serious -

Avoid Eating Too Much Sodium

Taking more sodium can increase the problem of kidney stones. If there is a stone in the kidney, then the consumption of things like junk food, and packed food should be avoided. Apart from this, very little salt should also be included in your diet.

Avoid Animal Protein Diet

Animal protein also increases the risk of kidney stones. It increases the risk of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and uric acid stones in the body. Animal proteins include meat, eggs, fish, milk, and cheese. Avoid these and instead go for pulses, peanuts, soya food, and leguminous vegetables which are rich in protein. The protein obtained from them will not be harmful to the problem of stone.

Eat fewer vitamin C-rich foods

In the case of the stone problem, the consumption of things containing vitamin C should also be avoided. Citrus fruits contain citric acid. This can further increase the problem of stones. Consumption of orange or orange juice available in the markets should be avoided.

Oxalate-rich things can be harmful

Consuming oxalate-rich things in the body can increase the size of the stone, which can be painful. In oxalate-rich foods, spinach, whole grains, sweet potatoes, cranberries, and chocolate should be avoided. Some people also ask to avoid eating tomatoes when there is a stone, but oxalate is found in very small amounts in tomatoes, so it is not harmful. However, the consumption of tomatoes should be limited.

Do not drink cold drinks at all

Do not drink cold drinks at all if there is a stone problem because it contains phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid can further increase the risk of stones.

Take care of yourself like this

Those who have kidney stone problems, need to stay hydrated as much as possible. This means that due to excess water in the body, the body will detoxify and the stone will automatically come out in a few days. Apart from this, consume some such things which can be easily digested. Apple vinegar and pomegranate etc. can also be taken in case of kidney stones.