Proper functioning of the liver is very important for our health. Due to wrong eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles, the health of the liver is badly affected. When dirt accumulates in the liver, it is not able to do the right kind of work. Because of this, digestion gets worse and there can be many other problems. Although the liver can work to detox itself, when the liver has to work more, it is unable to detox itself. To detox the liver, it is advised to include some special things in the diet. Here we are going to tell you about a juice told by an expert, which helps in detoxifying the liver. Dietician Manpreet has shared information about this from his Instagram account.

The liver detoxes the body

Proper functioning of the liver is necessary to remove toxins from the body. When the liver is not healthy, the body's detox work is not done properly. Due to this, our health can get spoiled. Feeling tired all the time, improper digestion, yellowing of the skin and skin-related problems point towards unhealthy liver. Dirt accumulated in the liver can increase diseases. In this case, the liver should be detoxified.

Juice for liver detoxification

  • Experts recommend drinking a special juice to detoxify the liver. This juice is very beneficial for the liver.
  • Gourd, lemon, black pepper and rock salt are used in this.
  • Lauki is a water-rich vegetable. It helps to remove toxins from the liver. It contains antioxidants which help in protecting liver cells from damage.
  • Lemon contains citric acid. It promotes the production of detoxifying enzymes.
  • Rock salt helps to flush out toxins from the liver. It increases the flow of bile juice.
  • Black pepper also promotes the production of detoxifying enzymes.

How to make this juice?

Ingredients required

  • Bottle gourd - about 300-400 grams
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp
  • Rock salt - a pinch
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Water-250 ml

Method to prepare

  • Peel the gourd and cut it into pieces.
  • Add a bottle of gourd, lemon juice, salt, black pepper and water to the mixer.
  • Grind it and filter it.
  • Healthy juice is ready.

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