The makeup of the bride is very special and where good outfits, jewellery and makeup are involved in making this makeup beautiful, a good hairstyle also matters a lot.

By the way, today's brides also keep their hair open for a different bridal look. But the fashion of making bridal juda is evergreen. A bridal look is incomplete without a good bun.

Low bridal bun

  • Nowadays low bridal bun is in trend. For this, you have to follow these steps.
  • First of all, make a centre parting and untangle the hair. To make hair look manageable, use hair gel.
  • Now you have to take the hair back and style the bun as you want. You will find many hairstyles in a low-hair bun.
  • Then cover the bun with heavy gajra. It would be best to use real flowers for this. You can apply rose, mogra and orchid flowers in the bun.
  • By the way, you will also find some hair accessories in the market, which will enhance the beauty of your hair even more. You can use them too.

Donut bun

  • This juda is best for those brides who have short hair and do not want to use artificial hair.
  • In this case, you should first make a high puff in the hair forward and then a high ponytail on the crown area.
  • You will find doughnuts of big and small sizes in the market remove the ponytail from inside it and spread the hair in the doughnut.
  • Make a rose from the remaining hair and use hair spray.
  • In the end, take some nice hair accessories and put them in the roundness of the bun. In this way, your bun will be ready.

Crown Puff Bun

  • This type of bun also looks very good on the bride. For this, make a centre parting of the hair and pumming from the front of the hair on both sides.
  • After this, pin up the pumming hair behind the ear and comb the hair properly.
  • Now you have to make a puff on the head crown. For puff media or high, you should use artificial puff.
  • Now make low buns. If the length of the hair is short, then you should use a doughnut or an artificial bun.
  • After this, you should apply beautiful Juda accessories; it will make the Juda look even better.


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