After birth, newborn children are given vaccines related to various diseases continuously after one age. Vaccination is a very important step for the child, in which you should get each and every vaccine. It is normal to have pain and swelling after vaccination and this pain causes a lot of pain to the baby, due to which it becomes bad by crying. Seeing the child crying, everyone starts worrying. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some such home remedies, with the help of which children can be relieved of this pain. So let us know what to do to reduce pain and swelling after vaccination.

You should massage the baby's skin to relieve the pain of the injection. You should massage the area around the injection spot to reduce swelling and pain, but avoid rubbing too hard and do not touch the injection spot, just massage the area around it with a light hand. You do not have to massage for a long time, just do it for 10 seconds, which will give relief from pain.

Mother gives her milk
It is believed that if the mother feeds her milk to the baby, it can provide relief from pain after vaccination. By doing this, their attention will also be diverted. However, doctors advise not to feed or drink anything for some time after the injection. In such a situation, according to the information given by the doctor, you can feed the baby after a certain time.

Feed the baby something sweet
You feed the baby something sweet, if the baby is very young then you can give sugar solution to the baby. Alternatively, you can put the sweet solution in a pacifier and give it to suck. This will make the child feel better. It has been said in many researches that feeding sweet to the baby reduces the pain. Your baby may feel irritable if she is in pain or swollen. To make your baby comfortable, you should keep him asleep for as long as possible.