Today is International Yoga Day. Yoga Day is celebrated globally on 21 June every year. In the year 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed to the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate Yoga Day by telling about the importance and utility of Yoga. After this, the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate Yoga Day.

Yoga is beneficial for physical and mental health. Keeps away from many diseases and also works as a cure. There are many types of yoga, pranayama, and mudras. Different yoga poses are helpful in the prevention of different health problems.

Celebrating Yoga Day, inspire your loved ones to do yoga. Along with telling friends, relatives, and close ones about the importance of yoga, also tell what are the benefits of doing yoga, so that everyone can include yoga in their lifestyle for a healthy body and mind. On the occasion of Yoga Day, you can send this message to motivate for yoga practice by telling the benefits of asanas.

Benefits of Sarvangasana
Better blood circulation
Constipation relief
Hair fall relief
Curb weight
Stress is less

Benefits of Bhujangasana
Strength of spine
Reduction of asthma symptoms
Relieves stress and fatigue
Improve reproductive system

Benefits of Balasana
Full body relaxation
Increases blood circulation
Reduces stress and anxiety

Benefits of Paschimottanasana
Stress is less
Belly fat decreases
Flexibility of bones
Cure insomnia

(PC: Freepik)