Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death globally. In America, one person dies every 33 seconds from heart disease. In the year 2021, about 6.95 lakh people died of heart disease, which is equal to one death out of every 5 deaths. This is the reason why health experts recommend everyone to keep taking heart-healthy measures.

Scientists of the American Heart Association say that the risk of heart disease can be avoided by making a habit of daily exercise along with keeping the lifestyle and diet right. So can the practice of yoga also benefit from it?

Yoga has been shown in studies to have beneficial effects on the entire body. Researchers said that if you practice yoga asanas regularly, it can help keep your heart healthy by reducing all the risk factors of heart disease. World Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June to promote the practice of yoga globally and make people aware of its benefits. Let us know about the benefits of yoga for heart disease.

Benefits of Yoga for heart diseases
A study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology makes a special mention of the benefits of yoga for heart diseases. According to this three-month study on people with high blood pressure, regular yoga practice is more beneficial in reducing cardiovascular health and the risks it promotes. Practicing yoga was found to lower both systolic blood pressure and heart rate in the participants, which is a good sign for maintaining cardiovascular health.

Can reduce the factors of heart diseases
Health experts point out that not only blood pressure, but there are also many other factors that can increase the risk of heart disease, and the practice of yoga has been found to reduce almost all of them. A research conducted by Johns Hopkins Medicine found that yoga helps control stress, blood pressure, cholesterol, and even blood sugar levels. The increased level of all these can be a reason for heart attack. The habit of regular practice of yoga has also been found beneficial in reducing the heart rate.

What do researchers say?
Dr. Helen Glasberg, cardiologist at Penn Heart and Vascular Center, says, “Yoga has been shown in multiple studies to improve metabolism and control your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which is especially beneficial for keeping arteries healthy.

Apart from this, the quality of sleep has also been seen to improve with yoga, many researches indicate that people who do not have good sleep quality may have a higher risk of heart disease. If you make it a habit to practice yoga regularly, it can provide special benefits to heart health.

(PC: Freepik)