How many things change with time? There was a time when we had very few means of living. Instead of machines, we used natural things like the earthen stove, earthen well, cobweb etc. to fulfil our needs. It used to be so much fun, no matter how easy the machine made our work, but it was different fun to use these things.

Most of the fun used to come in extracting water from the well...although nowadays wells are rarely seen....well. But have you ever paid attention to the fact that why the well is always round from above? Why is the well not made in a square or any other shape? If you ever tried to think then just think why not share this fact with you too…. So what are we waiting for, let's know about the interesting facts related to it.

Why is the well round?

There is science behind the round shape of the well. It is said that if a well is made square, then its life is not long. This is because when we store a liquid, it takes the shape in which it is stored.

If the shape of the well is square, then water pressure will build up on the side, due to which the corners become weak. On the other hand, in a round-shaped well, the pressure will be created evenly and the well will remain strong.

How many types of wells are there?

You will be surprised to know that there are not one but three types of wells. One was dug, and others were driven and drilled. However, nowadays only drill wells are found, which are also very easy to use.

How does water get inside the well?

We all have come to know why the shape of the well is round. Let us now know that the stones, sand, pebbles etc. which are under the soil, have space in between and this water seeps through the cracks and goes down. We get only the water that has seeped down into the well.

How deep should the well be for drinking water?

It is said that the depth of the well should be at least 100 feet. This is because ground filtration is allowed for the water only after coming below 100 feet. Therefore, the deeper you drill the well; the more likely it is to contain minerals.

How long does the well last?

  1. the lifespan of a well depends on its maintenance, it is said that the average lifespan of a well is around 30-50 years. However, various techniques are adopted to increase the life of the well. It should be repaired from time to time.

How is the well-filled?

The well is dug so deep that it penetrates below the water table and keeps filling itself. Ropes were used to draw water from old wells, but pumps are now being used.


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