There are many rivers around the world and each river is considered as a water resource. The largest river in the world is the Nile River, but do you know which the smallest river in the world is? Let us tell you today from which country the world's shortest river originates and what its length is.

This is the smallest river in the world

The name of the world's shortest river is Roe River and it flows in the US state of Montana. The length of this river is 61 meters i.e. 201 feet. The name of this river is also included in the Guinness World Book. The Missouri River also flows near this river, which is the longest river in America.

How did the Roe River become the shortest river in the world?

Let us tell you that in the 1980s, Susan Nardinger, a teacher at Lincoln School Elementary, and her fifth-grade students together launched a campaign. He wanted to get the name Roe River registered in the Guinness World Book as the shortest river in the world. After a lot of effort, they were able to register the Roe River in the Guinness World Book as the shortest river.

This river was the smallest before the Roe River

Before the Roe River, the Dee River, located in Oregon, was named in the Guinness World Records. The Dee River was 440 feet in length, while the Roe River is much shorter. When a campaign was launched in the year 1980, the Roe River was recorded in the Guinness World Book as the shortest river in the world. The distance from the beginning to the end of the Roe River can be covered in a few hours.

The Roe River's water comes from the Little Belt Mountain Range and is maintained by an underground spring. For this reason, this river is known as the shortest river in the world.

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