Gardening Exercise: Doing regular workouts is undoubtedly considered beneficial for physical and mental health, but most people are not able to follow this routine daily. But regular exercise does not mean that workouts should be done only by going to the gym. For some time, instead of working out in the gym, people are keeping themselves fit with special activities. The name of this activity is Gardening. People are now developing gardening as a popular hobby and exercise.

According to research, working in your garden or yard gives you an opportunity to do better physical activity. According to the US Physical Activity Guidelines, leisure activity for Americans is also a muscle-strengthening activity. This also reduces the risk of injury.

Gardening Workout
According to the study, just walking in your garden for two hours a week can improve your mood. Apart from this, communal gardening not only reduces your stress but also reduces the risk of dementia. People in America are asking their trainers to incorporate gardening and landscape activities into their workout routines. Many fitness trainers are considering gardening as the workout trend this year. He believes that it is very easy for people and anyone can do it.

How to get exercise from gardening
Fitness experts say that this activity also improves mobility. Along with this, it helps in building stamina. Gardening includes many activities including digging, planting new plants, and cutting grass, according to which our body moves. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a 154-pound person burns an average of 330 calories every hour while gardening.

Where we do stretching before working out but there is no need to do anything like this in gardening. Before starting gardening, you can take a short walk, which will act as a warm-up only.