Every child does mischief and mischief in his childhood, due to which he always remains in fear of getting hurt. It is common to get minor injuries while playing. But due to this many times marks are also formed on the skin. Sometimes these stains remain for life. Old stains work to spoil the beauty of the face. Many times women try to hide it with makeup. With aging, these marks start to look unsightly and it also affects your personality. In such a situation, today we have brought some such remedies for you, with the help of which the marks of old bruises on the face can be easily removed. Let us know about these measures

Aloe vera gel and olive oil
Both these ingredients are used in different ways to enhance beauty. To cure bruises, mix aloe vera gel and olive oil and massage it twice. Apart from the face, you can do this method to cure hand and foot marks as well. Do try this method at least twice daily.

Lemon juice
Lemon contains natural bleach, so it helps to remove bruises easily. For this, apply lemon juice directly on the injury mark. For easy application, soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub it lightly on the affected area. After rubbing for 10 minutes, leave the lemon juice on the scar like this. After this wash with water.

Honey is very helpful in removing scars. For this, add two teaspoons of baking soda to two teaspoons of honey and mix it well. After this, apply it on the marked area and squeeze the towel soaked in warm water from above and keep it on the marked area. By doing this daily, gradually the scar will start getting lighter.

Amla and Olive Oil
Vitamin C is very good in Amla. For this, first of all, you have to make amla paste. After this add some olive oil to it. After applying it to the wound mark, massage it with a light hand. By doing this daily, the difference will be visible on the scar.

Gram flour and egg white
To cure old stains and marks, you can mix gram flour or rice flour with egg white. Make a paste of both and apply it to the injury marks. It has skin-boosting properties, which help in healing old scars.

Onion juice
Take onion juice and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for a while at the mark. After this wash it with water. The scars of doing this will heal soon.

Curd and Turmeric
Turmeric is often used in beauty products. The properties of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant present in it are considered helpful in improving the skin. For this, mix turmeric in curd and rub it for a while. This will not only remove your spots but will also improve the skin.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil can also help you with this. Just take half a teaspoon of this oil and add half a teaspoon of hot water to it. Apply it to the marked area. After this, after massaging with a light hand, after about 10 minutes, wash with water and wipe the clothes. By doing this daily, you will see the effect.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix 4 tablespoons of water with 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar. After that dip, the cotton in that mixture and gently apply it on the injury mark. Do this process every morning at night and wash it when you wake up in the morning.

Cocoa butter
Apply cocoa butter daily. This will reduce the scars faster. Apply cocoa butter to the affected area. After applying, massage for a few minutes. Then leave the cocoa butter on the skin like this.